In the early 1900's a group of behavioral scientists [not educated in the esoteric dimensions of Psychology] put forth an alternative to what then served as Psychology [given to us by the ancient Greeks, using the prefix "psyche" which means "Self [consciousness], Soul, and Mind"], or the esoteric dimensions of the whole human being. I refer to these behavioral scientists and their idea of "Behaviorism" by the symbol [BS].
After introducing this alternative, which was based on the notion that MIND and what they called "consciousness" could not be "meaningfully defined or studied", they challenged those in the field of Psychology at that time to either prove the existence of the MIND, or allow the behavioral scientists to call themselves "psychologists" and what they did [study the behavior or animals] psychology. The Psychologists could not, of course, prove to those whose fears kept them from accessing the MIND realm from within themselves the existence of the MIND.
So, the direction of "psychology" was changed forever. Over the last century, the fields of mental health and "psyhchology" have almost eliminated the esoteric dimensions of the human being. The esoteric dimensions of the human being? I refer to the MIND realm, and the Spiritual realm. Perhaps the most interesting result is that today, 95% of those professionals in these two fields are unable to differentiate between the brain and the MIND, and tend to use the two term interchangeably.
The harmful consequences of this denial of the esoteric in Man has been substantial, however, with no alternative to measure the damage against, hardly anyone has a way to estimate the damage or demand something better.